Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

1 Ice Age 'Predicted Return Happen

Some astronomers believe the Earth is likely to enter the 'little ice age' in the coming years due to reduced solar activity.
Sunspot activity, with an annual cycle 11 will peak in 2013, after which the activity will begin shrink little by little.But some astronomers believe the next activity will be less intensive than usual or will be no activity at all.
This can affect the weather on Earth because of low solar activity is related to low global temperatures in the past.
Between 1645 and 1715 almost no sunspots were observed, a period known as the solar Maunder Minimum.

During that decade, the European region often hit by winter extremes, otherwise known as the 'Little Ice Age'.

Although there is no evidence concrete about this, but most scientists believed the event.
Sunspot is a dark field of the sun's surface, caused by strong magnetic activity that disrupt the normal flow of hot gas.

paradox, when there is most of the sunspot, solar waves kesuluruhan-called total solar radiation is also at its highest point.
Three studies presented at the American Astronomical Society's solar physics division, all point to the decline in sunspot activity in the coming decades.
As reported by the Telegraph (15 / 6), Frank Hill of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico, who works at one of the study says, "The fact that there are three separate lines of evidence all lead to the same direction that very pushy."
But Joanna Haigh, atmospheric physicist at Imperial College London, said global warming could also affect the cooling at the Earth's climate.
He said, "This work shows that solar activity will likely enter a long-period changes in a Grand Minimum, similar to events that occurred in the late 17th century."
During that period the temperature in northwestern Europe about 1C lower than normal and 0.5 C lower than the global average.However, he cautioned, "If this prediction is correct, the effects of global warming will exceed the ability of the sun to cool down even the most comparisons in this scenario though."
"And in any case, this cooling effect is only temporary. When solar activity back to normal, greenhouse gases will never disappear. "

1 komentar:

  1. wow your post very interest , follow for more information



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