Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

1 Ice Age 'Predicted Return Happen

Some astronomers believe the Earth is likely to enter the 'little ice age' in the coming years due to reduced solar activity.
Sunspot activity, with an annual cycle 11 will peak in 2013, after which the activity will begin shrink little by little.But some astronomers believe the next activity will be less intensive than usual or will be no activity at all.
This can affect the weather on Earth because of low solar activity is related to low global temperatures in the past.
Between 1645 and 1715 almost no sunspots were observed, a period known as the solar Maunder Minimum.

1 Building the Pyramid of Pharaoh's Secret Explain By The Quran

Since a long time scientists have puzzled how a pyramid was built. This is because the technology held up large rocks that could reach thousands of pounds to the tops of buildings yet discovered in his day. What is the secret behind the building of this pyramid?
In the issue dated December 1, 2006, the American newspaper the Times published a scientific story that confirms that the Pharaoh to use clay to build the pyramids! According to the study mentioned that the stone used to build a pyramid is clay that is heated to form a hard rock that are difficult to distinguish from the original stone.

Senin, 18 April 2011

0 Tisa's Flower, The Period of Ancient Insects Her life Just 3 Hours

Palingenia Longicauda or also known as Tisa's Flower is an ancient insect species. Insect species is thought to have originated from 200 million ago. One place the appearance of this insect is in the Tisa River.
Tisa River is one of the last sanctuaries where these insects emerge every year in very large quantities. This is a rare spectacle, "wedding dance" on the Tisa River.

0 Pig: Warehouse Parasites and Harmful Bacteria

Pigs are filthy animals, she usually eats everything given to him, either dirt or dead even his own feces or will he eat human feces. Pigs have a lazy nature, do not like sunlight, not like a stroll, really like to eat and sleep, has the most greedy nature. Increasing age, the pigs will be more stupid and lazy, do not have the will and struggled even to defend themselves only reluctantly.

Therefore, pigs, many cause disease in humans. Pigs are considered animals unfit for consumption. Among these parasites are as follows:

Kamis, 14 April 2011

0 Benefits of Plant Mimosa pudica L.

Princess shame (Mimosa pudica L.) is widely encountered in the weeds and also one of the wild plants. For those who still do not know the daughter of shame, this plant has a small leaf shapes arranged plural, oval shape with a pointed tip, green color (there are a reddish color), has thorns on its trunk. These plants also sometimes flowering, the flowers form round like a ball, the color pink, stemmed. Characteristic of this plant is a plant is very sensitive to touch that leaves so touched and will shut this plant
Although many people know and never see these shy daughter plants will but not many know if it's embarrassed daughter is very well medically efficacious and empirically. Princess shame can prevent and treat some diseases. Almost all parts of this shy girl efficacious, from leaves, roots, until the entire plant, either fresh or dried.

0 The animals With Unique Capabilities


Temperature sensitive organ located between the eyes and nostrils venomous snakes make snake can detect the body heat of their prey.
The organ is situated on each side of the head of the snake, so these animals can be watched carefully and then launched a deadly attack in spite of darkness

Jumat, 08 April 2011

0 10 More Enigmas That Defy Explanation

What is it about the bizarre and mysterious that piques our curiosity? It entertains our sense of wonder and excites our imagination, for sure. Luckily for us, history is marked with strange, logic-defying occurrences to amuse us. Here is a list comprised of 10 more unexplainable and interesting phenomenon and incidents that we crave so much. This list is made up of a mixture of two submissions to the Christmas competition which shared some items, so it seemed a good idea to combine the two to give us ten things never before shown on the site. Also note, this list is in the newly created category “Mystery” and all of our lists involving mysteries can now be found under that category in the archives or on the mystery category page.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

0 10 Fakta 17 Agustus 1945 Yang Tidak Diajarkan di Sekolah

17 Agustus 1945

Tujuh belas Agustus merupakan hari besar kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. Pada tanggal tersebut, 64 tahun yang lalu merupakan hari paling bersejarah negeri ini karena di hari itulah merupakan awal dari kebangkitan rakyat Indonesia dalam melawan penjajahan sekaligus penanda awalnya revolusi. Namun, ada beberapa hal menarik seputar hari kemerdekaan negeri kita tercinta ini yang sayang jika belum Anda ketahui.

0 Rubik's 3x3 Tutorial For Beginners

3x3 Rubik's tutorial for beginners as we all know this is a formula 3x3 rubik game this concentration of expertise and hands became popular in our society. Rubik's 3x3 enthusiast gradually began to increase among both parents and children - children. 3x3 Rubik sendiriadalah a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture, Ernő Rubik. The cube is made of plastic and consists of 26 small cubes that rotate on the axis is visible. Each side of this cube has nine surface consisting of six different colors. When the puzzle is solved, each side of the cube has one color and the color is different from the other side.

0 4 Types of Alien estimated Ever stay On Earth

Information about the types of aliens who had met with the man quite a lot. However, there are four main types of aliens who are often called, and the four types of these alian, including:

 1. Grays
2. Reptilian
3. Nordics
4. Hybrid

Common characteristics of the aliens mentioned above are as follows:

1. Gray 

He was small with grayish colored skin. It seems an alien race of the working class or engineer. Is his trademark black-eyed big. This species is reportedly common human dijumpa and often perform abduction (alien abduction). In addition, this type reportedly crashed in Roswell and is now reportedly conspiring with the U.S. military in secret. Alien Greys type is rumored to belong to an alien species of insects with a face like a grasshopper. Alien Greys type is the most popular types of aliens, even the stamp is used as a trademark of Alien Workshop.
2. Reptoid

His body of man or sometimes larger, with mouth that is wider than the human mouth. His body was like a kind of snake or lizard, green, and somewhat scaly. Reportedly, there are some among them who have wings. The picture that best describes this alien species is the "winged demon. " Not all of these winged reptilian species. What is the winged Draco species or "dragon", while that is not often classified in this type of winged serpent or "snake". From kesaksikan several witnesses, alien type reportedly worked for the alien Greys Reptoid type this.

3. Nordic 

Forms of alien species is most similar to humans, only slightly larger shape slightly, with blond hair (white), athletic body, blue-eyed and in communication often heard with access nordic (Scandinavian). They expected a group that was mentioned in the Book of Enoch I as "the son of Gods" or "the Fallen Angel". One equation with the testimony of a man who never met an alien species, namely Billy Meier, he said that the meeting with an alien named Semjase Nordics type derived from the Pleiades. The equation, in the Book of Enoch I, "the fallen angels" were named Semjaza. According to the testimony of people who never met this Nordics aliens, they say that the Nordics aliens is partially working with the alien Greys are aliens and their masters reptoid type. Several witnesses abducted by aliens stated that they also see the type of human than alien Greys. Allegedly, in fact it is not human, but alien species Nordics.

Alien Nordics type is sometimes done in collaboration with Hitler (Nazi) at the time of World War II, where the war is often met the Foo Fighter, a strange aircraft (UFOs) are widely watched by U.S. pilots, the UK and Japan. That is why also, glorifying Hitler Aryans great with white hair / blond and blue eyed.

4. Hybrid

This class is the result of genetically modified (hybrid) between aliens with human. The shape is not perfect like humans, sometimes in the form like a child, hair and head slightly larger when compared with normal human head. Some hybrids also exist that resemble humans, there are hairy and some are without hair. His skin was pale and eyes tend to like the alien Greys. Some suspect that the Men in Black is an alien hybrid who cover their large eyes with sunglasses. Additionally creature chupacabra (goat sucker) is a result of hybrid as well. Genetically modified (hybrid) was allegedly an attempt to create alien beings could live freely / longer in the human dimension.

Are they good or bad?

Often rumored that the alien type Nordics is a good kind of aliens. They reportedly often teaches people about peace, philosophy and spirituality. Then if they meet these people antiquity, is very likely that they regarded as a prophet or a god. Alien type Nordics have janis women and there are also types of men. Generally they are handsome and beautiful. And it is thought that these appearances are often regarded as the apparitions of Mary (Virgin Mary), for example Fatima sighting, the sighting of an alien species of this Nordics. And often if aliens Nordics men appeared, could have been incorrectly interpreted as Jesus. Diary of Pope John 23 said that he periodically visited by Jesus and Mary. I'm not saying Pope John 23 lie, but it could have been the Nordics aliens who claim Jesus and Mary who came from another dimension.

In general, the existence of cases of human abduction by aliens show that the alien is not a good entity. But it is often the question, what is the purpose of human aliens? Do they want to master the human / earth? When did they come from outer space degan sophisticated technology, is not easy for them to attack humans? But, why did not they do?

Several considerations

Why they did not establish direct contact with humans in the open? Are not many people who want to meet them? The reason that humans could have attacked the alien paranoia in my opinion are too, because in reality, humans will be "welcome" to the presence of aliens. Just when they were attacked, we will defend ourselves.

What do you mean they do various kidnappings of people? What is the purpose they conceal their existence? Or their presence is hidden because it was in another dimension?

Some of them (aliens) said that they were guardians of peace in our solar system and if humans continue to use nuclear, then they will intervene to intervene to prevent it. Why did they not prevent the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as a variety of nuclear experiments conducted by several countries, including the U.S., the USSR (now Russia), France, etc? can trust that they truly "inter-galactic peacekeepers"?

Various measures aliens who witnessed and experienced by humans, indicate that the treatment received was not good and sometimes hostile. Perhaps what I write is not in accordance with the expectations of many observers who described the UFO's UFO / alien from another planet or star clusters, and they to the earth for the purpose of research or friendship.

0 Yogyakarta, City By The Best In The World Layout

Yogyakarta, City By The Best In The World Layout

The city of Yogyakarta that was built in 1755, along with the building of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta by lane I in Banyan Forest, located in an area between the river and river Winongo Code. Somewhere a very strategic area for the defense in terms of security at that time. But if we look more deeply, there is one thing that makes us wonder again, that is about the layout of the town. Because the layout of the city of Yogyakarta is the layout of the world's best city! Imagine, if we see jogja layout that was built from the south ie towards the north Krapyak stage until the monument is very disordered and contains a lot of philosophy, but the layout of the city's blueprint was made in the time where our country is not as advanced at this time.
For those of you who do not know where greatness jogja town planning, this is the detailed sequence of buildings and their philosophy:
1.Krapyak is the description from the spirits. In the village located north Mijen, derived from the word Wiji (seed), go straight to the north, the right and left of decorated trees and Cape Asem, depicting the life of the child who is straight, free from grief and anxiety, apparently nengsemake and in-flattered flattered ( cape) is always.

2.Plengkung Nirbaya (Plengkung d'Ivoire), this Plengkung portray the boy stepped from childhood into pre-puberty. Where nature still nengsemake (tamarind tree) and like to adorn themselves (nata sinom). Sinom a young tamarind leaves.
3.Alun-Alun Selatan. Here there are two banyan tree called Wok. Wok is derived from the sideboards. Two banyan tree in the middle of the square illustrates the portion of the most secret agency, therefore, given a stone fence. Around the square there are five fruits inin a unified way to each other, indicating the senses. Sandy soil means not regularly separated from one another. What has not been regularly captured by the five senses. Go through the square planted with trees and pakel Kweni means the child has wani (brave because it is legally responsible)
4.Sitihinggil, literally elevated land. Here there is a resting place tratag roofed wicker or bamboo. Left-right Gayam trees grow with their leaves that shade and fragrant flowers fragrant. Anyone who take shelter under this tratag will feel safe, peaceful and happy happy. Describing the feeling of young people who are in romantic longing. Another concept with the same essence Sitihinggil submitted that there are two buildings to guard courtiers Gandheng = link = penggandeng. First name slave (servant) is Duto and Jiwo, with a view andudut Soul = soul drawn together between male and female fire romance. 

5.Halaman Kemandungan, describes the seed in the womb of the mother.
6.Regol Gadung Mlati until kemagangan is a narrow road and then widens and brightly lit. An Anatomical description of the birth of a baby. Siti buildings around inggil (Sasana inggil) have the road leading to halaaman Kemagangan. Roads on both sides is called Pamengkang. Pamengkang Mekangkang derived from, the position of the foot that far from each other. This position shows the state of a mother who will give birth. here baby and then intern (kemagangan) into real human potential.

7.Bangsal Mangun-Tur-Tangkil, a small shed located at tratag Sitihinggil. So a ward in the ward which means that in our bodies (wadag) no spirit or soul. Manguntur Tangkil means a high place for anangkil, namely to God the Almighty in a way mengeheningkan copyright or meditate. Behind the wards have a ward again called wards Witono, which mean Wiwit ono (start), is the beginning of human spiritual activity closer to God. 

8.Tarub Hagung, is building four pillars of the pillars that have a square shape. Arfti this building is: who is fond of meditation prostration to God the Almighty, are always in majesty.
9.Pagelaran, which comes from the word Pagel = pagol = pager = boundary and Aran = name. Where is the drop of human differences, both men and women, especially in the presence of God. So that all circles in the courts using the same language that is kramma inggil a revamped, called bagongan language.

10.Alun Alun Utara (lor) ambiance quiet atmosphere, the mood we are in contemplation. Banyan tree in the middle of the square describes the atmosphere as if we are separate from ourselves. Microcosm in the macrocosm are united. North of the intersection of four shows temptation in meditation. Do we go right (Siratal Mustaqim) or distorted right-left.

11.Pasar Beringharjo, the center of temptation when we take the straight road would be tempting beautiful woman, good food and luxury goods.

12.Kepatihan, symbol temptation will position or rank.
13.Monument, symbol of the Alif Mutakaliman Wachid, merging of subjects lan God unity and God's servant


Rabu, 06 April 2011

0 10 Habits That Can Aggravate Body

Everyone has a routine or habit is different. But unfortunately some habits can damage or worsen a person's body. Habit what is it?
1. Use any product for the face
Many men who do not have a special facial treatment, so using anything to clean up his face, including soap bars or liquid. Though this soap contains chemicals that can dry the skin and make skin easily fragile. For that turn to facial cleanser according to skin type to keep his health.
2. Eating too much diuretic drinks

Consuming diuretic drinks such as caffeine and alcohol can make the body release more amounts of water. If someone is eating to excess can lead to dehydration which affects the functioning of cells in the body. If it can not avoid coffee or tea in the morning, at least make sure the fluid in the body is replaced by drinking more water.
3. Shaving the hair without using cream
Shaving hair in the dry state could pave the way for skin irritation, rashes, lumps, inflammation, sores and ingrown hair. To avoid wet my first area to be shaved to help open the pores, then apply a new cream and shaved.

4. Often holding face

The hand used to do many things to allow the transfer of dirt, bacteria and fat from food. When his hand touched his face then all it will clog the pores that cause acne, or inflammation. In addition, rubbing his face with his hands could pull the skin which enhances the formation of wrinkles.
5. Bend

Sitting hunched impressive not only lazy or lacking in confidence, but it gives a bad effect such as posture has deteriorated and dangerous for the position of the spine that trigger pain.
6. Exercise in order to eat more
Some people do sports to be able to eat more afterwards. Perception is of course wrong, because it will make the body become more obese. If you continue to do so is not healthy and slim body is established, but increased body weight and in fact at risk for several diseases.
7. Consuming too much alcohol
Alcohol may provide short-term effects or long-term performance. The effects of alcohol such as fine lines appear on the face, add the calories that can cause the condition 'beer gut', causing acne, sluggish body and reduce the quality to attract the opposite sex.
8. Snacking on processed products
Refined products known to contain some food additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, dyes and other food. These materials are, of course, will impact the entire body. No harm in replacing snacks processed products with fresh fruit, nuts or yogurt.
9. Soak up the sun without using sunscreen
The majority of skin damage associated with aging due to excessive exposure to sunlight. Bask in the sun without using sunscreen (sun screen) can make the skin become rough, wrinkled, not bright and the more fatal is the melanoma (skin cancers).

10. Smoke
Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals including 51 known carcinogens (cause cancer). When smoked, the free radicals formed in the body and damage the DNA molecules that cause skin pale, dull, look older and a lot of lines. In addition, long-term effects of smoking can cause various diseases such as cancer, impotence and heart attacks.

Minggu, 03 April 2011

0 12 How to Kill Sleep

Sleep deprivation is often used as an excuse sleepy during working hours. Not a few of you have tried to cope with downed a cup of coffee or energy drinks. But, without realizing it, drink it makes you dependent.
Caffeinated beverages can indeed prevent drowsiness. But you should be aware of side effects, ranging from cutting sleep time, disrupt the cycle and lowering the quality of your sleep.
Then, how can you can remain "aware of" naturally? There are 12 ways you should try the following:
1. Wake up from the chair and walk around for a while in a popular study, Robert Thayer, Ph.D., a professor at California State University, Long Beach, to learn whether people are more eager to eat candy or fast walking 10 minutes.
Although chewing gum increased energy, an hour later the body will re-tired. While running for 10 minutes to increase the energy up to two hours. That's because when walking, oxygen is pumped through your blood vessels to the brain and muscles.
If you work at a desk, frequently to walk around for a while. Either outside the building during lunch hour or in the building where you work, will make you feel more alert and refreshed.

2. Rest your eyes to avoid fatigue Hanging in front of the computer for long hours can cause eye fatigue. Eyes off the computer screen for a few minutes to make eyes more relaxed.

3. Choose a healthy snack healthy snacks to boost energy for longer, such as: 1. Peanut butter on wheat crackers or celery sticks 2. Yogurt and a handful of nuts or fresh fruit 3. Baby carrots with low-fat cream cheese sauce.

4. talking with colleagues If you do not concentrate, talk to make your mind relax for a moment. "Talk with colleagues about business, politics, or religion. This will be a strong stimulus mainly talks about politics," said Krakow, Medical Director of the Maimonides Sleep Arts and Sciences, Ltd. in Albuquerque.

5. Create a brighter workspace environment with dim lighting trigger fatigue. Studies show bright light can reduce sleepiness and increase alertness.

6. Inhale a deep breath in Interesting to increase blood oxygen levels in the body. This slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improve circulation, which in turn helps the mental performance and energy.
The idea of ​​breathing exercises is to breathe air into the stomach, not the chest. You can do it on your desk. Sit up straight, try this exercise up to 10 times: * With one hand on your abdomen just below the rib cage and the other on your chest, breathe in through your nose and let your belly push your hand out. Your chest should not move. * Inhale through your lips as if whistling. You can use a hand on your belly to help push air out.
Another technique is to stimulate breathing, is used in yoga to boost energy and increase alertness. How: Pull and rapidly exhale rapidly through the nose. Keep your mouth closed but relaxed. Do this breathing technique with a short time, ie three times of each cycle in one second. Then afterwards, breathe normally. You can do up to 15 seconds for the first time and next to add five seconds each time to do it until it reaches one minute.

7. stop when sleepy when driving "Driving while drowsy same danger with driving under the influence of alcohol," said Siebern. The trick, you can open the windows and turn on loud music. "Replace the position you are driving with someone else or menepilah sleepiness and sleep until gone," said Siebern.
If you are in a long journey, replace the driver's position as often as possible. Stop at least every two hours to walk and get fresh air.

8. Divert the task thoughts stimulated In 2004, Finnish researchers studied people who work the night shift (at 12). They found that monotonous work is as dangerous as it reduces time to sleep and lowered alertness. Try doing different tasks at home or at work while sleepy. Or switch to another task that is more interesting when you feel sleepy.

9. Drinking Water Dehydration can cause fatigue. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eating foods that contain high water content like fruits and vegetables.

10. Napping for a moment lose sleep by Barry Krakow, MD, author of Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: Seven Keys to Sleeping Through the Night, there are two things to remember about naps: Do not nap more than once, or close to your bedtime. "Go to bed between 5 to 25 minutes," said Barry.
Nap time should be six or seven hours before you usually would go to sleep. If you want to break nearly as hours of sleep, rest shorter.
If you need to take a nap at work, better not sleep on the table. Some companies provide for employees' bedroom. Or you can train during the holidays with an alarm clock to make sure you get up on time. "If you can not sleep, rest with closed eyes for 10 minutes or more," said Allison T. Siebern, PhD, from Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center in Redwood City, California.

11. Air noon regulate sleep cycles Try to spend at least 30 minutes a day in the sun naturally. (For people with insomnia, sleep experts recommend for the morning sun shines on the hour). Walk outside to breathe fresh air at once restore your senses.

12. Sports 70 The results of research in 2006 which involved more than 6800 people, experts from the University of Georgia found that more effective exercise increases energy and reduces fatigue during the day instead of taking the drug. Regular exercise also improves sleep quality.
Try exercising for 30 minutes a day. If you decide to train hard in a few days, chances are your energy levels will decline and only recovered in a few hours later. Eat foods that contain protein and carbohydrates within two hours after strenuous exercise to replace the energy lost at the beginning of training. Be sure to complete the exercise several hours before bedtime so that you are sleepy when you try to sleep.

When do need to see a doctor? If you can not stop sleepy, beware! Consult a physician or sleep specialist. Maybe you have sleep disorders such as excessive sleepiness or narcolepsy. If you have difficulty sleeping because of stress or other reasons, cognitive behavioral therapy can help develop good sleep habits and reduce anxiety sleep.

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