Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

0 Eat Before Drinking Water, Can Cause Cancer

To reduce excessive eating a lot of people drink water first just before eating. Should get rid of the habit, if you want a drink before dinner do one hour before meals.
Consuming too much water just before eating it makes you lose your appetite because the stomach becomes full. But drinking water just before eating will make the process of absorption of food by the enzyme becomes more difficult.
Because the water you drink took 30 minutes to flow from the stomach into the intestine. So if you drink just before eating, have not had water to the intestine has been coupled with the food that makes enzymes work harder.

Professor Hiromi Shinya, MD, an expert on the enzyme is also professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine USA, as quoted from his essay, 'The Miracle of Enzyme' on Saturday (20/2/2010), suggested that drinking water was performed 1 hour before mealtimes.
Like the plants, he said there is a good period for drinking because of excessive irrigation on the plant will make the plants to rot and wither. So there is a period of time corresponding to the body of water to drink.
The ideal way to meet the water needs for the body are:1-3 glasses when I wake up in the morning2-3 cups, 1 hour before lunch2-3 cups, 1 hour before dinner.
According to note is that drinking water after waking up for lost fluids must be quickly replaced when I wake up.
Professor Hiromi do not recommend drinking water before bed but if very thirsty can be done one hour before bedtime.
Drinking water just before bed can prevent backflow. Although only the water, when mixed with stomach acid into the throat and can be inhaled into the lungs which feared the risk of suffering from pneumonia.
Get used to sleep with empty stomachs because the throat was designed so that no one goes into it except air. If still no food or drinks, the stomach contents will spill up into the esophagus when you lay down. When that happens, the body will constrict the windpipe and stop your breathing to prevent the stomach contents into the throat.
Many incidents of people dying from heart attack at dawn. The reason is because the acid that flows back as a result of eating or drinking late at night, and ends at the closing of the respiratory tract, then so irregular breathing, oxygen levels in the blood is reduced and ultimately less supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.
Admittedly, the need to drink every person is different, but make it a habit to drink water 6-8 glasses per day (1.5 to 2 liters) for adults. If the weather is very hot for example, then people will need to drink more. Conversely those with weak digestive systems may experience diarrhea if you drink too much.
The amount of water a person needs varies depending on the size of the person's body and what is considered appropriate for her body. It's just note the time fixed for the ideal drink, beyond the need to drink more.
If water needs are met properly and you will rarely get sick. When the water needs are met, the water will moisten the areas in the body that easily attacked by bacteria and viruses such as the bronchi (the airways pipe), stomach and intestinal mucosa. That way the immune system becomes active so that these areas become difficult to attack a virus or bacteria.
Conversely, if water is consumed less, on the bronchial mucous membrane will become dehydrated and dry, phlegm and mucus which is produced in the bronchi. If there is not enough water then the phlegm and mucus will stick to the bronchi which then became the breeding of viruses and bacteria.
Water is essential for the body. If there is no water people are not only malnourished, but the dirt and toxins also accumulate in the cell and can not be excluded. The bad effects, it will accumulate toxins that damage the cells of one gene that can cause changes in gene into cancer cells.

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