Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

0 Shocking Facts What Happens In Body After Quitting Smoking

Learn what happens to your body after hour, day, month, year and even ten years after you stop smoking. This fact may surprise you.

You must know how bad smoking habit for your health. And the best time to quit? This second. In just 20 minutes you will begin to feel the benefits of not smoking, and within a reasonably short time, you've lowered the risk of heart disease, stroke, heart attack, lung cancer, and other dangerous conditions.


Curious how long will nicotine stay in your body? Symptoms of what you will experience when you try to quit smoking? Want to know what diseases are caused by smoking? How many tobacco-free day which will make your body recuperate and no longer are at risk of the dangers of cigarettes? Here is a timeline of what will happen to your body when you quit smoking.
20 minutes after you quit smoking. The effect due to quit smoking will soon be governed by your body. Less than 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate will start dropping back to normal levels.
2 hours after you quit smoking. After two hours without smoking, heart rate and blood pressure will decrease approaching a healthy level. Circulation perifel You may also be increased. Note the tip of your toes and your hands - because it will probably begin to feel warm. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal usually begins about two hours after you smoke your last cigarette. Early symptoms usually tend to be emotional, including:

-Really want to smoke continuously
-Feeling anxious, tense or frustrated
-Drowsiness or difficulty sleeping
-Increased appetite

To fight these symptoms, try to recognize the rationalization and write it down. Do not deceive yourself by smoking again because it was actually just going to annoy you.
12 hours after you quit smoking. Carbon monoxide - which can be toxic to the body at high levels - is released from burning tobacco and inhaled as part of cigarette smoke. Because carbon monoxide is bound either by blood cells, high content of these substances can prevent blood cells to bind oxygen, which ultimately can lead to serious heart problems. In just 12 hours after quitting, carbon monoxide in your body will decrease to normal levels, and oxygen levels in your blood will increase to normal levels.
24 hours after you quit smoking. Average heart attacks among smokers 70% higher than non-smokers. However, believe it or not, only a full day after you quit smoking, your risk of attack jantgung has begun to decline. Although you are not yet free, but you're on the right path.
48 hours after you quit smoking. Smoking may not be life threatening, but the senses are dead - especially the sense of smell and taste - is one of the obvious consequences of smoking. Fortunately, after 48 hours without smoking, your nerve endings will start to grow again, and your ability to smell and taste will improve. Just a little more time, you will come back to appreciate things better in life.
72 hours after you quit smoking. At this point, the nicotine will be completely out of your body. Unfortunately, the symptoms caused by quitting smoking will reach its peak around this time. You may experience some physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, or cramps in addition to the emotional symptoms previously mentioned. Fortunately, these physical symptoms will pass quickly.
To combat the mental symptoms, consider yourself to appreciate that no longer smoke: use the money you normally spend on buying cigarettes by spending a dinner at a nice restaurant.
2 to 3 weeks after you quit smoking. After a few weeks you will begin to really feel different. You can eventually exercise and physical activity without feeling out of breath and pain. This is due to a regenerative process that is taking place in your body; your body's circulation will increase, and your lung function will also increase significantly. After two or three weeks without smoking, your lungs will start to feel relieved, and you'll begin to breathe more easily. For most smokers, the symptoms caused by quitting smoking will be gone two weeks after quitting smoking.
1 to 9 months after you quit smoking. About a month after you quit smoking, your lungs will start to regenerate. In the lungs, cilia - fine hair - like organelles that promote mucus out - began to repair themselves and function properly again. With cilia that return to function properly, will help reduce your risk of infection. With the lungs working properly, coughing and shortness of breath you are experiencing will continue to drop dramatically.
Even for heavy smokers, symptoms caused by quitting smoking will no longer seemed a few months after quitting smoking.
1 year after you quit smoking. You mark one year of smoking cessation is a big thing. After a year without smoking, your risk of heart attack will decrease to 50% compared to when you are still smoking. Another way to look at the progress of a smoker is two times more likely than you to suffer all kinds of heart disease.
5 years after you quit smoking. A number of substances released in the process of tobacco combustion - carbon monoxide is one of them - will cause your blood vessels constrict, which increases your risk of experiencing a stroke. After 5-15 years free of smoking, your risk for stroke memgalami similar to those of nonsmokers.
10 years after you quit smoking. Smokers have a higher risk than those who did not smoke for a list of scary from cancer, with lung cancer being the most common and one of the most dangerous type. Smoking accounts for 90% of deaths from lung diseases worldwide. This will take 10 years, but if you quit, the risk of death from lung cancer-partu will drop 50% compared to those who smoke. 10 years after you quit smoking, your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas also decreases.
15 years after you quit smoking. 15 years without smoking will bring the risk of heart penyakt back to the same level with those who are nonsmokers. You will no longer be in a position higher than normal for a variety of conditions such as heart attacks, coronary disease, arhitmia, angina, heart infections or conditions that affect the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Long-term benefits of stopping smoking are fantastic. According to the American Heart Association, those who do not smoke on average live 14 years longer than smokers. Stop this day, and you will extend your life span and live extra years with the cardiovascular system that can function, when you are active and feel wonderful.
Are you ready to quit? Quitting is not easy, but it is worth fighting, and there are resources available to help you quit today. Are you ready to enjoy the benefits of living smoke-free?

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